Thursday 1 October 2015

Brief, Song choices and Audience Profile

Music Video Brief

You have been asked to devise and make a promotional music video for the new act detailed below. As a new ect. the record label is keen that this first release appeal to a wide audience and establish an image that is both recognisably unique and appealing to their target audience. With this in mind their first release will be a cover version and will be used as a platform for future original releases. The record label is happy for this release to be any of the three songs listed below and would like you to chose whichever one you can make a dynamic promo for, as the thing is to get them exposed!

BAND-lead singer is a man
Likes- Good music/meaningful

This band are a huge fan of Vintage Cars.

Festivals- like to attend to festivals to
 enjoy the fun and the good music.
 The bands favourite thing is to play in small venues where they can interact with the audience and feel free.

One Direction and Big Record Labels.



         Sound and Influences:

SONG choices:

These are the three songs I have chosen to do a music video about one of them. I have not made a final decision of which song I have chosen.

Audience Profile


Age: 16-25
Gender: Male and Female
Nationality: British
Class: Middle/ Working Class
Genre:Indie/Pop Rock
Education:Still in education

The band likes good and meaningful music,classic vintage cars. We like going to festivals to enjoy the good music and have fun. The most favourite place to perform for our band is small venues where we can interact with the audience and meet our fans. Lastly we love our freedom and the ability of us being able to do anything we would like.

1 comment:

  1. To do:
    Genre Research
    Production Log for photoshoot
    Comments on all posts
    Improve digipak analysis
    Market Anlaysis
    Logo/Font Choices
    Tracklisting - discuss you music video song
